
The Studiocharlie graphics and design studio was founded in 2002 by Gabriele Rigamonti, Carla Scorda and Vittorio Turla. The team designs for a number of companies such as Atipico, Billiani 1911, Boffi, Designercarpets, Lanificio Leo, Lema, Made a Mano, Mipa, Nemo and Vittorio Bonacina. The objects designed by Studiocharlie have a strong graphic aspect: they are drawings in matter and form volumes. Just as drawings on paper use lines and colours, so drawings on a sheet of steel might use laser rays and folds, or on fabric, threads and woven patterns. Steel, wood, wool, rushes, marble, ceramic, lava stone: the fundamental aspect when developing a project is to keep the original idea alive, to restore the same emotion in the finished object as in the creative impulse. In 2004 Studiocharlie was selected by the ADI Design Index, and was distinguished at the 20th Compasso d’Oro ADI for the Csuni font. In 2007 the Punto Pecora fabric for Lanificio Leo was published in the ADI Design Index. Studiocharlie products were chosen for various exhibitions, among them "The New Italian Design", a travelling exhibition curated by the Triennale Design Museum, shown in Milan, Madrid, Istambul, Beijing, Nantou, Bilbao, San Francisco and Santiago in Chile between 2007 and 2013.




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